Request A Meeting1802 Insurance™ does what you don't have time to do, saving you and your clients time and money. Our comprehensive 1802 P.E.E.R.™ Review also can make it easier for you to fulfill your responsibilities to your clients under the Uniform Prudent Investor Act.
With the number of priorities competing for your attention, neither you nor your ultra-affluent clients may know how well their insurance products are performing.
That's why, at 1802 Insurance™, we work with you to examine the details of each client's existing insurance policies against the client's goals and objectives. We evaluate each policy to see how it is performing today, vs. at the time of inception, in light of those goals and objectives.
We ask important questions such as:
Once we raise the important questions regarding your clients' current life insurance policies, we seek out and find the right answers. Through our P.E.E.R.™ Review process and access to M Financial Group's proprietary products and pricing, 1802 Insurance™ can help you offer your clients a higher level of confidence and trust in their life insurance coverage.