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4905 Tilghman Street • Suite 100  • Allentown, PA 18104

Donna M. Wanamaker, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL®

Donna Wanamaker

Executive Vice President, Insurance Services & Plan Design

Donna Wanamaker’s experience runs the gamut from complex Trust and Estate Planning to highly-involved Insurance Services. That's why she leads the insurance planning team at Cornerstone Advisors and at 1802 Insurance™.

Donna designs and implements insurance plans to fit individuals’ specific estate plan needs, working closely with clients, and advisors like you, on the integration of ownership structures and payment methods.

She analyzes existing insurance portfolios for ownership issues, restructuring insurance portfolios—where necessary, to be better utilized within a unique estate plan. And finally, she completes a competitive analysis and makes recommendations with regard to current policies.

Donna’s responsibilities also include due care of life insurance carriers for financial stability as well as analysis and due care of new products as they are introduced. She often works with insurance carriers to develop, implement, and monitor new products, including executive benefits life insurance programs, deferred compensation plans, and supplemental employee retirement plans.

Yes, since joining Cornerstone Advisors in 1984, Donna has been very busy, and, with the launch of 1802 Insurance™, her role will only continue to grow.

Donna was named a Woman of Influence by Lehigh Valley Business in 2014, chosen by an independent panel of judges who reviewed nominees and scored them based on their contributions to their companies, industries and communities. Her accomplishments include having helped shape the direction of Cornerstone Advisors, tapping her experience in insurance and estate planning to help clients and educate the community about recent trends. Her professional and community affiliations include the Society of Financial Services Professionals; Estate Planning Council of the Lehigh Valley; M Financial; Feline Urban Rescue and Rehabilitation; Faith Alive United Methodist Church; and Phoebe Ministries.

Donna also has been a speaker at M Financial Group meetings. In her free time, she enjoys archery, pistol shooting, cooking, and riding her Harley-Davidson Softail.
